The society, ‘Association for Learning Performing Arts and Normative Action’ is registered with the Registrar of Societies, Govt. of NCT of Delhi under the Societies Registration Act 1860 vide No. S-48001 of 2003-04. It is also registered as a Voluntary Organization with the Planning Commission of India. It has Income Tax Exemption Certificate under 80G IT Act and foreign contribution certificate under FCR Act.

The mission of the society is promotion of performing arts and facilitating holistic human development.  The society essays the cause of spreading awareness among today’s youth about rich cultural heritage of India.  Through various art forms like music and dance and other courses painting, tabla playing etc., the society endeavors to evolve complete individuals proud of their heritage. The emphasis is on our inclusive and composite heritage. The society has also pledged to work on many socially relevant issues through research and analysis, documentation, dissemination, building human and intellectual capital and assisting policy formulation and advice. It functions as a not-for-profit voluntary agency, which undertakes projects for improving and securing the quality of life of people and creates awareness for sustainability. 

  • Activities of Society